Warren Leming

coldchicagoco [AT] gmail [DOT] com

Dummy Down      Cold Chicago

Sound Clips etc...

Rich Man's War and a Poor Man's Fight - 3.3 MB
Rich Mans War And A Poor Mans Fight
Songs and tunes inspired by the American Civil War
Music and lyrics by Warren Leming
Performers include: Tom Paley, John Ketterson,
Duncan Mitchell, Allen Wittek and Dan Sampson
Available from:
    Cold Chicago Company
    1625 N. Oakley
    Chicago, IL 60647
Price: 15 US dollars, includes postage to your door
Outside the US - add two dollars more for postage

A second cd, Ambrose Bierce and American Destiny
is also available. The cd is an audio rendering of
Warren Leming's play about Ambrose Bierce and the
American Civil War
Price: 15 dollars

Second City #1      SC #2      SC #3      SC #4
No information is available